Webinar PMax 2025: What’s next for your ecommerce strategy
banner icon January 22, 2025 Register now

Advanced bid strategies for increased revenue

Pairing 140 years of market experience with state-of-the-art PPC technology


Revenue growth




Product attributes

The challenge

Robert Dyas is a dominant player in the UK’s modern retail industry and engages heavily in ecommerce. They offer 15,000 products online and attribute 30% of their online revenue to Google Shopping alone. With nearly a third of their substantial online revenue at stake, the ecommerce team required absolute clarity in their Shopping investment: transparent return levels and performance-validated strategies. Therefore, the challenge was to find the right toolkit and support to maximize their capabilities, which is why they chose our shopping ad automation tool.

The solution

Robert Dyas moved from splitting up campaigns into profit tiers and optimizing manually from there to being able to automatically generate an item-level campaign structure. So, the correlation between over 100 product attributes and conversion potential is considered and the marketing budget is optimally used. Implementing the split is simple but powerful, because it allows our bidding algorithm to factor in not only the conversion potential of every single product and Robert Dyas’ unique bidding goals, but also the specific performance of the each device that the ad is displayed on.

The results

Together with Robert Dyas, we ensured constant growth and conversion value, resulting in accelerating revenue growth that averaged 71.4% YoY for the analysis period. Best of all, this growth was highly profitable, meeting the challenging ROAS targets set by Robert Dyas.

With over 140 years of experience and 92 stores across the South of England, Robert Dyas is a high street name customers know and love.
Headquarters: London, UK
Industry: Home and Garden
Technologies used:
Cross-Channel Advertising